Wednesday 26 December 2012

Old Timer

So. Massimo's the next Italian Knight. *twiddles thumbs* I can sense the doubt drifting out there and honestly, when I finished Windows, it was the last thing on my mind. Quite frankly, I'd got a load off my chest and would happily not think about any of those Da Canaveze people or what they went through again. Moreover, I'm Gina/Lyds/Annie/Frankie in age group. Why would I write something that would be inherently 'sugar daddy' ish? And I'd have to think about grey pubes. Oh, cripes, I'm so sorry, that's not helping is it? No. Right.

So there's a reason why Nick embodies so much of what will make me break out the good underwear, the stockings, the violet wands, ball gag and handcuffs. He's like his dad. We're on the same page now aren't we? If we're not, let me break it down for you. Beware. *SPOILERS* This whole play is Massimo's stage, he's been directing it since before my parents gave each other the sexy eye in South London. Does he take nonsense from people? Absolutely not. Hell if he'd had the tiniest inkling about Santori's plans, do you really think that mother fucker would have lived long enough to even try and be a blip on Nick's radar? No. Is he forgiving? One name. Mary Alice. That bitch. I still hate her. I don't think I've ever hated a character as much as I hate that bitch. Is he elegant and stylish? Uh huh! Suited and booted every day. Plays chess and listens to jazz. He is cultured, refined, educated, calculating, and his sons get all their good looks from him. *SPOILERS DONE*

I was talking to my mother about a seventy odd year old man who nearly gave his wife an STD - don't ask how I found out about this. Old people having diseased sex. Wait, wait, roll it back. Old people having sex full stop. Obviously, I was shocked out of my skin and she asked me, point blank, "Do you feel any older today than you did ten years ago?" Honestly, apart from the hangovers which take a good week to recover from? No. I don't. "Do you think I don't still feel twenty four inside, before I had you and your brothers and it was just me and your father?" Yes, mother I know. I borrowed Daddy's awesome sheepskin coat. Found a condom in the pocket from the late seventies which expired just after you two got married, so I know you two weren't all pure and such before you said your vows. Obviously, I didn't say that to her face, because I'm still alive.

The truth is, why would the same not apply to Massimo? He's a single man who needs a challenge. A nice challenge. Belinda's going to do that for him - loud, African and proud. I have aunts (African aunts - not actual blood aunts) who have been alone and abandoned for so long and then they meet someone, and good lord the freakin' scandal, you'd have thought they'd have made a sex tape of them having a threesome with Piers Morgan and Simon Cowell. (heave) But I wanted to write something that says whatever your age, it's never too late to find love. To be happy. Why not? Why waste the days of your life conforming to someone else's ideas of love and passion? Typically, Belinda's the busybody, who'd be so much happier if she was getting some on the regular. So sod it. This story is more of a love letter to Massimo and Belinda as individuals as it is a love story between the two of them. For their histories as immigrants who created lives for themselves in London; their faith; their experiences; their wisdom and their sexuality. I've learned much more about what I want for my own future in writing this and I'm really rather proud of my older people lovin'.

And by the way? He hasn't greyed. Anywhere. Alright? So there. Just wait. Massimo. My O.G. In every sense of that abbreviation.

Monday 24 December 2012

Merry Christmas Everyone!


I love this time of year! Almost. In hindsight really. When I'm not wondering why I've spent my month's salary on Christmas presents and pate - can never have too much pate - and I'm not scratching at the front door, begging to be let out, after getting cabin fever from spending too much time in one space with my nearest and dearest or when if I see just one more slice of turkey, someone'll get hurt. Other than that? Freakin' love Christmas. I love presents and the booze. Ah, the booze. The one time I can drink in front of my parents and they don't mind how much I put away. In honour of my nostalgia, here are the two flash fictions I did. One's a paranormal and one's a contemporary - one is all for equality at this time of year. Celebrate, jubilate, however you do it, just be happy!

Merry Christmas!

Love Billy

Friday 21 December 2012

Scavenger Hunt!

It's the first day of Winter Solstice and we've survived the end of the world - Mayan style. Huzzah! Now we're not all burning in a pit of fiery doom, how do you fancy winning some stuff to celebrate Beautiful Trouble Publishing and the epicness that will be 2013! 

Each author has a riddle and you just need to skip along each blog to see the riddle and solve them. It's like a flaming Greek myth! Without the prospect of death. We've done that already, we're all still here!

My riddle is below. If you need a clue, re read The Claim. Round about Anna and Rocco's second sex scene. Involves the use of prophylactics. You'll totally get it. 


An odd girl whose private parts are very soft.

You've come so far and yet have more to go. Click on the BTP author's names to collect more riddle answers. Once you have all 11 answers collected email Three lucky winners will be chosen at random to receive a $10 BTP gift certificate. Contest closes at 12 am 12.22.12.

Good luck! And.... GO! 

Serenity King
Drea Riley
Nevea Lane
Nikki Winter
Shirelle Higgins
Shanayah Tailor
Naomi Jones
Janet Eckford
Gynger Fyer
RaeLynn Blue

Wednesday 19 December 2012

The Next Big Thing

I never do this, I like to keep shiz under tight wraps. Sterile and such. Anyways, these are my answers for the Next Big Thing Blog Hop.

What is your working title of your book?

At the moment, I'm calling it Franken-otica. Frankenstein inspired romantic erotica. I squish words, you know this now.

Where did the idea come from for the book?

I honestly can't remember where the premise came from. Sometimes, they knock out of left field. I do remember having a bit of a wide awake doze and having a bit of a naughty thought and immediately thinking I need to start writing now. It was supposed to a short story for Halloween and it's turned into a 30k beast with lots more to go.

What genre does your book fall under?

Erotic horror straddling paranormal and giving the sexy eye to romance.

Which actors would you choose to play your characters in a movie rendition?

Henry Cavill would play Marek (have you seen the body on that dude? The only reason to watch Immortals on repeat. I don't even remember what happened in that film. He was topless.) and Aissa Maiga would play Shibah (beautiful, French actress).

What is the one-sentence synopsis of your book?

Death is nothing to the glory and power of love.

Will your book be self-published or represented by an agency?

I've given the ladies at Beautiful Trouble Publishing first dibs. Not sure how they'll feel about the morgue scene. Yep. I go there.

How long did it take you to write the first draft of your manuscript?

Er... it's not finished yet. But I've been writing for about two months solidly on this.

What other books would you compare this story to within your genre?

It runs in parallel to Playing Dead in that respect. I haven't read anything like this which is what prompted me to start writing in the first place.

Who or what inspired you to write this book?

I suppose in a way I'm still grieving for people I've lost this year and I'm writing what I wish could happen. There's a rule in Harry Potter - even with magic, you can't bring the dead back to life. I'm challenging that rule. Sorry JK. You know I lurve you though!

What else about your book might pique the reader’s interest?

There's parts of my own family history in this, there are jealous boyfriends, evil stepfathers, trips to France, the dark depths of a normal hospital and a little bit of necrophilia. But good necrophilia not the bad necrophilia. That hasn't helped has it?

Never mind! Click on the names of these extraordinary literary ladies to get a taste of what's coming next from them

RW Shannon
Lisa G Riley
Marteeka Kartland
Janet Eckford
Nikki Winter


Monday 17 December 2012

In the Amazon...

Best Laid Plans is now available on Amazon! And just before Christmas. I can see you all now, one hand on the turkey baster, the other on your Kindle. I've said this may be the last useful, literary thing I do before Christmas, because next week, if I take breath that doesn't involve wrapping paper, roasted potatoes, scallops, cranberry sauce, Morgan Spice, pine needles, cursing people on Oxford Street and wishing I had two minutes alone to write something, it will indeed be a Christmas miracle. Enjoy!

Best Laid Plans Amazon

Tuesday 11 December 2012

At The End Of The Day...

Again, I went off grid a little bit. I was writing like a demon, then work that silly paid thing I have to do, got in the way and now it's the build up to Christmas, enjoying cheeky little flaming cocktails like the one above. In case you were wondering, it was delicious. Even if I did burn my nostril hair. I had my last wedding of 2012 this weekend and then, party to party, with this cold that is lingering like that dude that you know you shouldn't have had sex with but you did anyway and he's still in your bed talking about a fry up and you want to say "I don't cook" but you were boasting about it the night before then you say you need to throw up and he still doesn't take the hint? That sort of cold. Anyways! I thought I would be a little further on in the literary expanses. I've had four releases this year compared to nine last year. Nine. I know I had a two month break from work, but really? Nine? It took me a minute to remember:

  1. Windows
  2. @Last
  3. An Old Cake Tale
  4. On Caristo's Watch
  5. Said The Demon to Little Miss Eva
  6. Put Out the Zombie
  7. On Set
  8. Christmas Connection
  9. At Midnight

This bitch was bizaaaaaaaaay! But I was all flush with excitement and revelling in putting my work out for all to see and desire to lick. Each work I've released this year has been like waving goodbye to little parts of me.

  • The Claim was getting rid of all sorts of job/family/friend/black female guilt.
  • Starting Over was exercising the demon of the 'what if things had been different between us' guilt.
  • Playing Dead was all about having powers I wish I had to bring people back that I love and miss like hell every day. 
  • Best Laid Plans was an attempt - and that's what I'm sticking to - an attempt to accept that not everything that doesn't go exactly as my overly organised timetable demands is a bad thing. Everything happens for a reason. Trite, but true. 

I think the current WIP is still on the Playing Dead theme because its coming up to all sorts of anniversaries but what is life, but I am learning to enjoy the pauses and the dreams in between scenes that drift in and out of my mind. I want to put out a good book, because first and foremost, I write what I want to read. If I don't like it, you're not seeing it. (We're not talking about edits, because I don't like anything during edits. Hell, I hate the sight of my own name during edits. Fucking Billy, I tend to think. Why the fuck did you write this?). I don't rush anything, even if it seems to be quick, it's done because that's all there is to the story. It's complete as Hank has told me to find something else to do. So there may only be four releases from the mind of Billy London in 2012, but they are all works that I am very proud of.

Don't ask why I've bullet pointed stuff. I'm still in work mode. So back to the morgue for Billy (I'll explain in the next post. Promise.)

Saturday 17 November 2012

Sing To Me

The sweet sounds of love! Or grabbing a bottle of ginger ale late at night. Or just watching the world go by on the wrong side of the Thames. (The south is the right side - just so you know).

Here's the soundtrack to Best Laid Plans! You will note that my musical taste is all over the shop, but this is totally in line with the people that chatter in my head.

  1. Deco Child - Pray
  2. Gomez - We Haven't Turned Around
  3. Tinie Tempah - Written In The Stars
  4. Chase and Status - End Credits
  5. One Republic - Secrets
  6. Emeli Sande - Heaven
  7. Skunk Anansie - Charlie Big Potato
  8. Jessie J - We Found Love (Radio 1 Live Lounge) 
  9. Foals- Spanish Sahara
  10. Kanye West - All of the Lights
  11. Lykke Li - Love Out Of Lust
  12. Bjork - All Is Full Of Love
  13. Portishead - It's A Fire
  14. The XX - Angels

Wednesday 7 November 2012

A New Caristo Dawns...

I know, I know. It's like I forgot all about it and suddenly out of nowhere, like men and buses, two Billy releases come along at once.

Here's................ Luca! Remember Tony's cousin? The one who was giving Lydia the sexy eye at Gina's restaurant in On Caristo's Watch? Well this is his story. He's honestly the first character from the series that I wasn't bullied - I mean convinced to write. I had an idea about his past and when I posed it to Hank, he gave a shrug and said, "Do it. Work through your many, many, many issues. I'll come back after you've stopped staring at that dude's crotch." What? I was distracted. I like the Caristos. Not all of them mind you, but Tony and Luca are honeys.

Er, don't be too surprised by Frankie, Luca's love interest. She's an action babe - A-Team ready to use whatever's on hand to 'correct' behaviours. I went for it in this book. The little voice of conscience that holds me back and says "that's a bit much" was muffled. I haven't vented this much since... well... old days, where I was writing people I didn't like into being beheaded and possessed and all sorts. There's a scene with a... you'll know when you get to it. And the other one. And the one a few chapters after that. Oh and the second page. No filter, people. Nada.

As soon as Amazon, Barnes & Noble and iTunes links are ready, I shall provide. And, and! I made it very clear who's going to be the next Knight right at the end. Advanced notice! Everything's out of the window. Window - geddit? Ba-dom-ching!

Hank: Good God, woman. That was awful.
Me: I know. I really shouldn't blog on a few hours sleep.
Hank: You blame me for that abomination, I'm off until 2013.


Saturday 3 November 2012

Win Win!

Tis contest time! Naomi Jones, Reana Malori and I all have contests up on Coffee Time Romance! You get to win one of five copies of Put Out The Zombie coz one is generous like that.

It's right here!

I've just seen the questions for the contest and had to think about the answers, so I have no idea how you'll manage. So I've got clues! If you go back to this interview I did with Novak, my unusual zombie, he gives away two: Interview With A Zombie

And the third question? The clue is pigs blood. Squeezy! Enter enter enter! Everyone likes free stuff no? You lie!

Thursday 1 November 2012


While there are dudes (and dudettes, lets be honest) growing a moustache either for charity or in honour of the month of November, I shall be at the Cafe au Lait Book Club on Facebook. I'm answering questions, being poked and prodded like a lab rat. Have at me!

I'm here alllllllllll month. Get in while the getting is good people!

Wednesday 31 October 2012

Monster Mash

It's Halloween! I knew this holiday would appeal to the child in me. One, I like free stuff. Two, I like dressing up. And three? Any excuse for punch. It's also the day to try something different. So if you haven't given my ghouls and monster stories a go, now's the time to jump in.

Said The Demon To Little Miss Eva was my first foray into horror. Safe to say I scared myself silly, but at the heart of it is a story about the power of love and friendship.

Put Out The Zombie was my challenge tale. Make zombies sexy. It was a toughy, but what I did was look at the origins of the word and run with it. There are flame throwing witches, deities who gain power from an acquired taste and a good old fashioned who-dunnit.

Playing Dead is the newest tale of love between a man and the gorgeous poltergeist who won't let him get a good night's sleep until he's solved her murder. What could possibly be wrong with that?

There we are! My unholy trinity. Tell me which one tickles your fancy! Find them all on the Mocha Memoirs site, Beautiful Trouble, iBooks, All Romance Ebooks and Amazon. That's some paranormal ish right there, being in all those places at once..

Happy Holidays!

Sunday 28 October 2012

Playing for the Dead

I bring you the soundtrack for Playing Dead. If I could think of a trailer to this story, the overwhelmingly perfect fit would be Placebo. Freakin' creeps me out.

Aretha Franklin Bridge Over Troubled Water
Anita Ward Ring My Bell
Ike & Tina Turner Proud Mary
T-Rex Bang a Gong (Get it On)
Placebo Running Up That Hill
Karen O Immigrant Song
Linkin Park Krwlng 
The Cure Lullaby
Drake Look What You've Done
The Fugees No Woman No Cry
Jack White Love Is Blindness
Example Playing In The Shadows
Lamb Bonfire
Bjork Play Dead

Saturday 27 October 2012

Play Dead

Happy Halloween! I've brought you all some candy. Man candy! It's still pretty bonkers as a story, but I really hope you all enjoy it. Grab a pumpkin juice, light some candles and sorry. No crucifixes will save anyone this time...

Monday 1 October 2012

Pinch punch!

First day of the month! October hails all things that are great about autumn. Golden brown leaves, darkening afternoons, gingerbread lattes, toffee apples and Halloween. Indeed people, tis the season to be terrified, falalalala! Mocha Memoirs and BTP are taking over the month with all things that send a shiver down the spine. We're starting off with the Queen of Frights, Ms Janet Eckford, who has thirty one short stories in a dastardly collection. I've finished story one and my phone is hiding in my underwear drawer where it can stay there until daylight. Story 2 through to 31 shall be read each day as a Billy treat. Come on then! Let's get scared...

Thursday 20 September 2012


You know when I said I got up at the arse crack of dawn to go and take photos of my city? Well I did. I dragged my puffy eyed, weary carcass to Putney at god awful o'clock and snapped around sixty photos. Like a weirdo. Almost took a photo of a couple of tramps dealing from their shopping trolley. I apologised and backed off. Anyways! One of those hard earned, sleep deprived photographs has become the background scene to the next Italian Knights book. Annie Lebowitz? Eat your heart out!

Isn't it pretty?! I love it and not just because I worked for it. (Sat in Cafe Nero for two hours after then had four hours more sleep. But it was work.) It's this long for the paperback. That's where the description will go. Now the rainbow is real, it's where the sunlight hit my camera lens. London was just waking up and I was the tourist in a dude's cardigan, leggings and some bad ass canvas trainers taking photos. I kept thinking, catching sight of the cameras beside Putney Bridge, "I hope M15 don't profile me as a potential terrorist..." Ah the era of digital cameras. Everyone's a photographer. To be fair though, one is rather skilled at it.

Monday 17 September 2012

Marry You

On Saturday, I blubbed like a baby as we watched a friend I've known since I was knee high marry her true love. And I mean that without the slightest bit of sarcasm. I'm hungover - even now, I haven't got the wit to be snarky about my favourite subject - love. Of all the men in the world that my friend could have met, of all the men that someone could have been set up with her, she was introduced to her now husband. Call it fate, serendipity, cosmic alignment, God's good graces, luck... It happened. The picture above is the view from the hotel. I barely stopped myself from doing the intro dance from Coming to America as it was a Waldorf Astoria hotel. "She's your Queen to-hoooo beeeee!"

Then again I have wept child-like before. Oh my giddy aunt, when one of my best mates tied the knot, the minute she and her husband did their first dance, I was a mess. But for some reason, at the wedding on Saturday, I couldn't stop. It was ridiculous! They were tears of happiness, but relief at the passing of the struggle she'd been through, that her family came together, that no one argued or fought, that the registrar turned up - late but turned up. That I didn't mess up her face (I did her make up - long story), that I narrowly avoided getting trampled on when the bouquet was thrown and the glue on my false eyelashes held true despite the fact I kept crying.

I think the reason I was so emotional is a combination of a few things. Billy's a little older, a little wiser and definitely a little more cynical about relationships and love and marriage. But I'm still essentially a romantic who wants everyone to find that bit of happiness. I feel all warm and fuzzy about it all. Lucky with my friends and hopeful for the future. Know what's worse? I've got another friend whom I've known the same length of time who's getting married in less than three weeks. Screw waterproof mascara, it's back with the false lashes. There Will Be Tears. This will end up in a book somewhere, somehow. It's too emotional not to use.

Sunday 2 September 2012

City of Dreams

I've been bad, and not posted for almost a month. But in my defence I have been writing like a beast and finished my thrill-rom-ror (thriller romantic horror). It was supposed to be a romantic horror, but Hank didn't agree with me. So we worked through some of my issues, as per usual and it is what it now is. Obviously it's based in London. As always.

I spent the weekend out in Hertfordshire, green fields, sheep, horses, England's flatlands. While ruining all the fresh air I inhaled by doing shots of tequila and devouring hog roast, potato salad and about half a baguette of bread, I rather enjoyed the quiet. The quiet after the debauchery.

I loved looking out of the window and not seeing any cars, shops, drunk people (they were all asleep) clubs, pubs, restaurants for miles around. People tell me that their perspective changes once they have children and then there is all sorts to take into account when thinking about where to live. While holding a gorgeous four month old baby girl (seriously thought about kidnapping her) it crossed my mind that I could move into the middle of nowhere in the future. Then I thought about how the hell I'd get my hair products. How much petrol I'd use up driving to the nearest supermarket for mashed potato when right now I can walk it. That most of all I'd miss the buzz.

Don't get me wrong, if I have kids, I probably will end up being psycho momma who moves thirty miles to get within good schools priority distance, but not out of London. I grew up in this city and I'm fine. Mostly. With the bite of the travel bug still strong within me, I've got an internal homing beacon and it's got London programmed right into it. So I'm London through and through. Expect to see that in the books for a while. Long while. Except when we vacay to Italy. Other than that, totally London. Bloody Hertfordshire making me test my loyalty!

Tuesday 7 August 2012


So, I've decided to do another horror. I lied after Said the Demon that I wouldn't do it again but this has actually turned into more of a thriller because I couldn't cope with the scary bits. There are still two more scary bits to do. Involving attics. Now this means I don't like going to my bathroom at night because that's where my bloody attic is. For some reason, I enjoy making my own home the scene of stuff that scares the crap out of me. Glutton for punishment but I like to think this is different enough for me to get on with it.

I still think the whole idea was born from sunstroke after wandering around Pompeii in 35 degree C heat for nearly three hours. Why else would Hank make me write about a story based around a nightmare I used to have as a child? Meany Hank. And it's mostly from the view of the hero. Yeah, I don't know how that works but it's working. I'm on track to finish by the end of this month and it should be ready in time for Halloween. All the little plot lines are falling into place especially the end which was a legal and immigration nightmare that I've finally unravelled. Time for me to re-establish my wimp status! I'm so excited that I'm writing again after a long week break that I am actually willing to be frightened. Whatcha got attic! No, I'm sorry attic I didn't mean that. Anything hiding in there can stay there. It's good. I'm all good. 

Monday 6 August 2012

Put It On Me

In the course of a rather brutal working week (in the office until 11pm. 11!) I missed a rather important anniversary. It has been over one year since I introduced you to the arrogant-cheeky-built-like-a-brick-shithouse-techno-genius-Lydia-loving Tony Caristo. He still hassles me now and again. Trying to get me into trouble with Lydia. Winding up his mates, exacting vengeance for the abuse he received on meeting Lyds, calling family out for doing seriously dumb things and... wait, I can't tell you that yet. That's all in IK4. So in the meantime. Happy anniversary Tony & Lydia! I will never look at a 4x4 in the same way ever again.

Tuesday 31 July 2012

All Good Things

So today is the last day of the Steamy Mocha month long celebration for Mocha Memoirs second anniversary! Hasn't it been special? A new flash story every day from a range of authors I know, some I was lucky enough to tease a little, and some who are family. Today's the last day you can enjoy them all, including my own Starting Over at the $1.00 price but they will all stay available for you to buy. Get in there quick!

Saturday 14 July 2012

Joyful Joyful!

Coinciding with my chatty chatness on Joyfully Reviewed, The Claim is now available as a paperback with Lulu! I'm sure now everyone knows faaaaaaaaaar too much about me!


Thursday 12 July 2012

Pretty Wings

My anniversary story to celebrate two amazing years of Mocha Memoirs is ready for you! I don't know where this came from, but I had a vision of a couple sitting in a coffee shop on the verge of a break up. It's the quintessential break up location, isn't it? The coffee shop. So there is West and Sherial with a table in front of them, a flat white for him and a mocha for her to make up their minds. I was listening to Maxwell's Pretty Wings on repeat so I was a bit worried where it was going! Hopefully, when you read it, you'll feel their history, their arguments, their passion and first and foremost, their love. I have to say thank you to Sherial Dyce who let me borrow her lovely first name for the heroine. And honestly, I'm alright. I wrote this before I went on holiday so it's all cheer and joy in the London house. For now. Don't forget, if you leave a comment on the blog during the 31 day celebration you may win a prize! A little gift that keeps on giving...


Saturday 7 July 2012

What the water gave me

So yes, Italy was fantabulous. Divine. Awe inspiring. Beautiful. Humbling. It was like a third home! I have to say third home. If Ghana came anywhere less than second, I'd be disowned and then I couldn't ask for stuff like pineapples and doughnuts. Anyways, I've got a Flickr account and I've uploaded some of the photos I took while I was there.


As well as presenting me with some of the best, freshest food I have ever eaten, and taking me 15% shades darker than I am, toning up my thighs with all the walking around it also gave me the last push to finish IK4. IK5 is also on the ways to being very much so done too. I feel fulfilled and grateful and deeply Italian. I paid with my card for some booze (naturally) and the barman pointed out my middle name and declared, "That's Italian. So you're Italian! Yay!" So if he said I was, I am. I'm already planning a return trip but in the meantime, Viva Italia!

Tuesday 26 June 2012


Mocha Memoirs is two whole years old! July is the month of Jubilation. Get yourself down to Mocha Memoirs website to see what's going on. I've got a hot short flash coming out, so have other Mocha authors, there are give aways, chats...

Ooh, everyone was on Blog Talk last night too, have you had a listen? BTP Slumber Party Mocha Memoirs Chat

This is the home of my horror, Said The Demon and I am ready to celebrate with them all! Some damn good talent to be discovered!

Sunday 10 June 2012

Swirlies Part 2

Wow! I asked you to vote, and by gum you did! Thank you so much! We're in the finals! I say we coz, I didn't do any of that myself - that was all you. YOU! You wonderful, marvellously batty people! I could use more exclamation marks, but I have a feeling at least one of my editors will see this and tell me off. So this poll is open until 2 September and then it's winner time. I'm putting it on you to remind me about it. I'll forget. So you vote. I'll write. Everyone knows what they're doing? Awesome. Heart you! 

Swirl Awards best series poll

Wednesday 6 June 2012

Talk Show Host

I had another natter on Erotica For All, a UK website for everyone - authors, readers and the bi-lot. Yes, I used the word bi to refer to everyone else.

Have a read, see what you think, make a comment, search around this rather delicious looking site and enjoy!

Tuesday 29 May 2012

Vote, Vote, Vote!

The Swirl Awards are still open for voting and I could do with your support! But then you can vote for anyone as many times as you like:

You've only got until 30 May to pick your favourite (me) and anyone else who takes your fancy. I'm so glad that Shara Azod, Marteeka Kartland, Elle D Hayes and Janet Eckford have been nominated. And as I've had the enormous pleasure of meeting both Latrivia Nelson and Erosa Knowles who are both bloody marvellous, votes for them should go without saying! Come on! Let's put that constitutional right to good use!!

Sunday 27 May 2012


The Claim is up on Nook now! If there are other Billy London books you want on Barnes and Noble, they are being uploaded. Patience delivers my friends. (She says, wanting to take out people coz she can't write).

Tell me how you Nook it!

The Claim on Barnes and Noble

Sunday 20 May 2012


I seemed to have hit the wall. Again. After a good stretch where I finished two IK stories, one of which being The Claim (by the way thank you so much for getting behind that story and enjoying it - your emails have been amazing!) I can't seem to finish what was supposed to be IK3 (now pushed back to IK5) and I started IK6 but can't get a grip on that either after a sterling start of almost 22,000 words. So, I've decided. If Hank's going on vacation, I will too.

Italy here I come! I will be booking myself and Lady London on a short trip to the Neapolitan Riviera, which is where most of the boys are from - except Rocco who's Sicilian and Beppe who's from Venice. Tony and Luca are a little further up, from the city of Naples. We're still working out the details but it is going to be genius. Considering the last time mum and I went on holiday, we got drunk and I wrote Windows, I've got high expectations for Italy. Until next month, it's back to tried methods of housework to entice Hank. Can't wait though!

ps I will be scouting for counts, billionaires, playboys and bad boys looking to settle down. And cake. And seafood. But mostly men.

Monday 14 May 2012

Find Me...

...everywhere! Now I was looking at Kindles and thinking, should I get one? I played around with a friend's (okay that sounded so much better in my head) and it wasn't for me. On the other hand I am Apple's handmaiden and I will obey wherever Apple calls and I am soooooo excited that Windows is now on iBooks! So you can download onto your phone, your iPad, your mac and enjoy, enjoy, enjoy. It looks really pretty. Obviously that's totally more important than the story.

Feel free to rate, review, download a sample and of course buy your own copy! See, now you can't escape me.

Thursday 10 May 2012

Come Get Me...

Faster than any time limit I could have given (I was way out. Way, way out!) But The Claim is now up on Amazon for purchase:

The Claim on Amazon

Grab some cake, grab a beef cake for squeezing afterwards and enjoy. Be quick though I'm on the next one and I've pretty much so forgotten what I wrote in The Claim!!

ps I'm on Kindlegraph so I can e-sign your copy when you send a request.

Tuesday 8 May 2012

Let's Talk

I'm on IRMC books website today, chatting about my favourite topic other than Hank. ME! Pop along and comment:

I say good stuff! Honest...

Wednesday 2 May 2012

And the Nominees are...

I've always wanted to say that! I feel I would be an awesome presenter. I'm thinking more BAFTAS than Oscars, only because one - I wouldn't have to get on a plane to go and two - it's a shorter ceremony and my attention span is well. Not the greatest. 

Anyways, the point of this is, I've been nominated for Best Cover and Best Series in the Swirl Awards! The Swirlies (as I've now dubbed them) celebrate the multicultural. Which is fabulous and I look at the other nominees and think, what am I doing there? 

The poll is open for the next thirty days so you can vote as many times as you like. I would like to say that the cover wouldn't be for me, it'd be for Nancy Donahue who is one of the best cover artists around. Have you seen RaeLynn Blue's cover for Theft of Souls? That's a Nancy cover! She met my brief to perfection and it is one of my favourites ever, ever, ever. So feel free to vote and vote large. Because actually, it doesn't matter who wins. I'm just massively pleased there are some bloody good authors and cover artists getting recognised for the work they do. Sigh. I love this job...

Tuesday 1 May 2012

Time Is On My Side?

I'm tidying up the last bits of Italian Knight No 4. I'm not playing in 2012, these men will not leave me alone. And it got me thinking, just as I was rewriting the prologue. What on earth was I doing three years ago? Seriously. What was going on, what was happening, who did I meet, celebrate with, commiserate with? Who did I say goodbye to and who did I welcome into my family? Who snapped my knicker elastic?! Honestly, try it. And don't cheat by looking at your Facebook time line! While my stories will start at the 'how did the couple meet?' it's never as important as where they end up together. Let me know how you get on with the years test.

Monday 23 April 2012


Just like this was the fastest story I've ever written, the music choices were just as easy. Everything fit with Anna and Rocco. From the first word to the last, every song has meaning to each word I wrote. Yes, lots of them are boo hoo I've lost my soul songs. Alright, maybe I've shed a tear during most of them. All of them. You can cry while listening to Run by Gnarls Barkley. I know this now. Gosh, I'm a cry baby. Anyways, this is the soundtrack to The Claim. Enjoy!

  1. Florence and the Machine: Shake It Out 
  2. Adele: Rolling In The Deep
  3. TI: Slide Show
  4. Maxwell: Pretty Wings
  5. Madonna: She's Not Me
  6. Justin Timberlake: What Comes Around
  7. Birdy: Shelter
  8. One Republic: Apologise
  9. Mumford & Sons: I Gave You All
  10. Damian Rice: I Remember
  11. Gnarls Barkley: Run
  12. Gnarls Barkley: Crazy
  13. Faithless: Don't Leave
  14. Massive Attack: Paradise Circus
  15. Arcade Fire: Ocean Of Noise
  16. Rihanna ft Drake: What's My Name
  17. Kanye West & Jay-Z: Otis
  18. Kanye West ft Bon Iver: Lost In The Woods
  19. Interpol: The Lighthouse
  20. Zero Seven: Ghost Soul
  21. The Rapture: How Deep Is Your Love
  22. Tom Rosenthal: Take Care

Saturday 21 April 2012

Mr Mamione will see you now...

Italian Knight number 3 is out and it's Rocco Mamione's story aka the fastest and smoothest story I've ever written. Hank and I battered this out like the Mayans gave us our own deadline and the world was going to end this month. I didn't even skip to the sexy parts and fill in the rest - it just flowed, beginning to end. As fast as it was it was also cathartic. I got a quite a few things off my chest about what it means to be a woman, a friend, a daughter. There's also plenty in there that came straight from Lady London - must give her props for the Epilogue especially. I've got words in there that I have heard so many times from other women. The women I meet in my day job, that I work with, that I'm friends with and definitely women I now avoid like the freakin' plague. Ultimately, whatever interpretation people want to put on this back, it's called The Claim for a reason. I don't normally preach, because I'm a live and let live sort of woman, but whatever decisions you do make - man, woman or child - own them. Stand by them. Defend them if need be. Then you'll get the respect you are looking for. Ah, well. When you read it, you'll get it. You know what? Compared to Italian Knight number 4? This is starting to look kinda tame. Hank's been on some special ish, I can't even tell you. Onwards!

The Claim ebook

Tuesday 17 April 2012

A Rose Is Still A Rose

I think I'm terrible at coming up with titles. Although Put Out The Zombie will forever be a moment of genius that will make me laugh every time I remember the eureka moment! If you ask me how I came up with @Last, that's straight forward. Internet, waiting a long time, girl who can sing - Ella Fitzgerald At Last. Took me ages though.

Windows was more complicated. Only because it started in the mind of an eleven year old Billy looking to win a writing competition. Swear down, without the sex, Windows was created twenty years ago. And now you all know how old I am. Boooooo. So eleven year old me comes up with this idea of a girl who is being harassed by loan sharks and her best friend who's desperately in love with her saves her from it all. I like to think the reason I didn't win the competition was the fact that I made my apparent hero a bad guy. This is the original ending for the story. Nick set it up so Gina would have to come to him for help. Isn't that messed up? For eleven? No, I haven't had therapy, but I spent a lot of time reading rather dodgy material.

So I thought, about things that break, things that are transparent, things that show freedom but an absence can mark entrapment. Things that are a gateway to hope and show altogether a world outside that can hold everything hurtful. Where everyone can see inside and judge and you can look out and send that judgement right back two fold. Windows. Plus if you think about it, all the good/crazy stuff happens right in view of windows. Honest. Oh come on, I was young!

Saturday 24 March 2012

And The Winner Is...

...Jordonna Pearson

Congratulations! Your copy of Italian Knight No 3 will be winging its way to you come release day. Speaking of which, we are on track. Zshushing this shizzle into tight shape and then it is alllllllll yours! Thank you to everyone who took the time to enter. I'll say it again - it is the best, best, best part of this job - to hear from readers and being told which bits they enjoyed. Makes me all tingly inside. Not in a sexual way. Honest.

Saturday 17 March 2012

Pioneer To The Falls

Yesterday, I said goodbye to my godfather. He was in every sense of the word epic. Not only was he a military man, but he dedicated his career to public service. He was a wonderful husband, father, grandfather, great grandfather and an extraordinary friend. Most tellingly, he was a man of deep faith and a shining guide of honesty, respect, calm, temperament and humour to me. 
People often ask me who my heroes are based on. Regardless of the random, dodgy and illegal things they do, at their core, they are gentlemen. It's because that's who my godfather was - an absolute gentleman. Incredible really, given he was raised in South London. 
I've put a dedication to him in my next book. It may be inappropriate, but my godfather was a man who had an infinite capacity for love. A unique human being whom I will sorely miss. In that respect, it is completely the right book to dedicate to him. Actually, I may do it for two. 

Tuesday 6 March 2012

No 1 In Threesome

Italian Knight number 3 is finished and has been submitted for editing! It's got weight to it people. Almost 44,000 words. As usual, there were parts that were difficult to write. It meant dredging up old feelings of betrayal and hurt and humiliation and... damn, did I enjoy any of this? That's a lie, yes. I got to play around with some fantastic characters, from crazy to more crazy and psychotic in between. If any of them seem excessive to you, I'm now convinced I'm surrounded by mental patients. Actually, between my job, the writing, my family and my friends, I'm rather surprised I haven't been committed myself. Meh, there's still time. It is also my fastest ever writing. From the trickle of the prologue to the BL that comes at the end of my manuscript, took me a total of 36 days. Considering I don't plot a story, it usually just tells itself and for once, I wrote from beginning to end, I am genuinely quite shocked. Hank has obviously forgiven me for calling him a lazy whore!

Friday 17 February 2012

How Deep Is Your Love?

Happy Anniversary to Nick and Gina! One year ago today, Windows was published. I'll admit when I saw the email from Jayha, asking me how I felt, I looked at my book all shiny and packaged and ready to be opened and I had a little cry. Even now, looking at that cover, it's sort of unreal and surreal. Did I really share them with the rest of the world? Crazy. Seriously, where has this year gone?

Anyway, as a thank you for embracing those two nut jobs, I am giving away a copy of Italian Knight 3 or 4. Depending which one gets finished first, they're both at the final hurdle. I've got two going at the same time, so who's next is going to be a surprise, more for me than anyone else. Yes give away! Why not, I haven't done one of these myself, get on board.

To enter my anniversary competition, just email me and tell me what was your favourite scene in either Windows or On Caristo's Watch and tell me why. Show me the love, where you really felt it, or laughed or sighed or thought 'is she serious?' or remembered that you're in public and if the dude reading over your shoulder gets to that paragraph you're both going to be really embarrassed. Talk to me, surprise me, remind me how much of the story I've forgotten all about.

The competition will close on 17 March 2012 and a winner will be adulated and exalted on high. Well, I'll announce it and someone will get the new Italian Knight into their inbox from Beautiful Trouble Publishing. Email me at and let the Italian Games begin! Salute!

Tuesday 14 February 2012

Let's Get It On...

I've been good! Very good! And I'm feeling good about it. Talking Marvin Gaye good! Which explains why I've been blogging awol for weeks. Fact of the matter is I'm writing and I don't want to stop until certain things are finished. And given that I've written almost 30,000 words in just under two weeks is something that I am very grateful to Hank for. He's been surprisingly amenable recently, particularly as he get's all shy and quiet when I need to write a shove and grunt scent. Usually, I need to have a sip of wine and listen to some Maxwell and Portishead to get in the mood. But the spirit of Cupid is moving me. Even more good news, I'm going Italiano crazy in honour of the first anniversary of the release of Windows which is 17 February 2012, details coming soon. I'm feeling it, people, it's alllllllllllll gooooooooooood.

Marvin Gaye Let's Get It On

Friday 20 January 2012

Something Different

I'm finalising Italian Knight number 3. That has been almost six months in the writing, discounting the fact that I stopped and got distracted with a Zombie and hella distracted by Christmas and totally off kilter with a vanishing 'rest yourself woman' Hank. I'm starting to get very excited about this. It's challenged me, opened my eyes, made me cry. So let me get back to weaving the final threads together before I can type the end and get it all edited and perfect and ready. Gosh it's really weird because this time last year, I was just starting edits for Windows and trust me when I thought I was done with all the characters. I missed them, but I was finished. Obviously Hank lied to you all.

Monday 9 January 2012


I know I shouldn't blame Hank for stuff but I am starting to get really cross about the non writing issue. I've finished a story I absolutely loved. Last year. Now I look at it and think it's 30,000 plus words of junk. I've written 50,000 plus words of the next Italian Knight - I have no ending for it. None. Nadda. Gone. The whole point in having a muse is that you have a prod from a magical source who gives up the goods to allow an author write. Hank apparently is telling me to chill. I don't wanna chill, I want to write. That's what makes me chill. I'm giving all my tried and tested things a go for help. Reading my family's books (BTP ladies are so freakin' talented, it makes me want to up my game!), listening to B.o.B, Calvin Harris, T.I., Florence and the Machine and Adele, taking long bus journeys. And nothin'. I've tried shopping - physical and internet, cooking, washing up. My characters are all apparently in Antigua without phone reception or WiFi. Selfish bastards. Well fine. I'm getting good old fashioned pen and paper. And stamps. And a sticker that says: RSVP FFS. Try and ignore me with Royal Mail and stickers on my side.

Hank's suggesting anger management. He's not funny.

Tuesday 3 January 2012

Different Directions

Positivity is the name of the game. Yes my tummy has a mind of it's own. Yes I work full time in a rather demanding job. Yes, I am daughter, friend, sister, carer, sexbot, author and resident sark detector. I am different things to different people. But there was a rather lovely bit of time over Christmas, whilst Daddy and I were drinking our way through a ridiculous sized bottle of Morgan Spice that my Daddy reminded me that I can't be everything. "You are an amazing young woman" (obviously I started welling up like a pansy) "but don't let people make you into what they want. Remember to put yourself first. Now go get me some more trifle. Good gel."

Safe to say that my Daddy is always right. Except when he's trying to pronouce Darth Vader. Too good to be anything but a blessing from God. I'm not a role model, or spokesperson, hell, regardless of what I've got after my name, I don't even think I'm that clever. I cannot be all things for all people because one is unfortunately very human and easily distracted by a pair of sharp heels, tight buns on a bloke and a salt crusted martini. Given my changeable nature, you're probably not going to like everything I write. And that's okay. It's not because I've got big headed, or I love myself, or it's all about the benjamins, writing always has and always will be too personal for that. In one form or another, everything my characters have been through is because I've been through it too. (Not all the illegal stuff - just a few) I write because I feel. To cheer myself up, to make myself laugh, to purge all the bad, to work through the really, really god awful and to envision the light at the end of those dark tunnels. And while I thank you for being there and sharing the journey, it's not really for you. It's to save quite a lot of time in a counsellor's office trying to work out if I'm schizophrenic or not.

And breathe...