Wednesday 30 January 2013

Whip It

First release of 2013! Huzzah and hurrah! It's a flash fiction, which means I overcompensated at 6300 words but in such brevity, you're getting a hella load of bang for your buck. Really. It's for those who like a little pain with their pleasure, a little shimmy with their feather boas and a little ice for their... well. Read it and see. It's still Nikki Winters' fault. Don't let her tell you any different.

Sunday 20 January 2013

Smack That

So whilst trying to make my other characters jealous of attention I lavished on other characters - my life is complicated - I finished a story for the ultimate Dominatrix, Ms Shara Azod. Now, I've had many a discussion or argument, I like to think discussion, with Nikki Winter about whether I'm vanilla or not. I think I'm vanilla. I think all my previous stories have been erotic of course, but not double chocolate chip, swirled with hazelnuts, caramel sauce and praline crackle on the top erotic. This short story, is. I've got paddles, canes, swings, clothes pegs, burlesque, photography and the art of tease. Yeah, I went a little bit wild and it's definitely all Nikki's fault.
On the other hand, I so hope you all enjoy it. Being strong woman, the submissive/dominant thing can be difficult to understand. I did a lot, a lot of reading around (and staring at some pretty risque photos, sometimes research is fun!) and the general consensus is that a sub has all the power, because they are the ones that make the choices. It's not weakness to trust someone with your body, it's empowering. When it really comes down to it, the submissive has the dominant doing everything they want all for their own sexual satisfaction. I'm sure you'll all tell me what you think when it's out. And before anyone asks, no, I do not do burlesque. I'm a bit of an exhibitionist, but burlesque? I can't do the nipple tassle thing with my chest. I'd hit myself in the face.

Friday 11 January 2013

Hot In The City

Jubilate my people! Beautiful Trouble Publishing are having another conference and this time, it's happening in Atlanta, Georgia. One shall be valium-ed up to the eyeballs to do my nine hour flight across the Atlantic to hopefully articulate soberly on all manner of topics and jump in whenever one feels like it.

Last year was brilliant in any case, because I got to meet my extended family and this year there will be even more goodness for you to indulge in. There will be prizes, a buffet, sensual readings a jolly host of stuff!

It's the only conference I'm going to - because while I like being in warm climates, me and planes do not agree. Click here to see all the event details!

BTP Meet and Greet 2013

Monday 7 January 2013

Tick The Box

Happy New Year everyone! It's already started with good news. Beautiful Trouble Publishing (aka my original stalkers) have been selected by the Critters Writers Workshop as a contestant in their annual poll. This huge kahungas (I know that word technically means breasts and collectively we do have huge kahungas) but its a big deal and I'd love it if BTP received some much deserved recognition. This is the poll:

- Paste this link into your browsers
- Scroll downward until you see BTP listed in the publisher list
- Follow directions to vote
- Scroll to bottom of page and follow directions to make sure vote is submitted properly (so it can be counted).

Voting closes midnight on Thursday 10 January 2013.

Any votes greatly appreciated. These ladies work hard to bring quality reading material to you the reader, where others wouldn't have dared to tred. If you had seen my unedited sex scenes, were parts of people's anatomy were emoting - you'd understand. 

Thanks hugely in advance!