During a rather boozy celebration of last week's ten year anniversary (pop a bottle man! Ten years is a long time!) my beautiful friends asked me a casting question. Who would be your leading men, if you could have anyone, no questions asked, no budget worries, anyone?
"You can't have the Duke of Hastings," one friend reminded me. "He's not on any of your covers, and you dragged a certain author for blackfishing covers."
Oh yeah, I did, didn't I? Good times... So obviously, my current book is a shoe in for the His Grace, Simon Basset aka Regé-Jean Page. But the others? (insert awkward face).
When I do my cover requests, I hunt for pictures that fit my characters as best as possible and it's always harder to find Black women than it ever is to find sexy white tanned muscled torsos. So anyways, Windows' initial inception (well revised to include banging) coincided with my obsession with Eddie Cibran and his dimples. I have no idea who would be throw the knickers away, they're no use right now enough to make me tattoo his name on my body. No, I lied absolutely. Henry Cavill could do it with a grin and a sideways glance at my bustline. (It's the first thing men look at guaranteed).
For Murano, the Beppe inspiration was the delightful Oliver Cohen-Jackson, of the Haunting of Hill House fame. He does dangerous/mad/funny/loving beautifully well.
My other male character obsession was and for the large part still is Bren Macclellan from Wynne's Surprise. Oh my god, I haven't loved off the laptop like that since, well since Nick. And his inspiration was Jai Courtney. But with a Scottish accent obvs. Like Hot Muse Hank was deeply worried, the man took over my day to day for months. I'd dream about him, it was weird and wet dreamy and I should be embarrassed but it was great for the book.
Have you seen the body on Lucas Gil? Coz that's who would play Remains' Jamie. Niels Strøm would be played by the Kingslayer Nikolaj Wadu-Costa and Arthur McWorth of An Art To It allowed me to cougar my way into Harry Styles' fanclub. I adore a bit of Harry, I truly do.
So those are a few of my potentials, if I could cast the mens. I'll show you my ladies next week. Thoughts, suggestions, reminders all welcome!