The Romance Reviews

The Romance Reviews

Monday 17 December 2012

In the Amazon...

Best Laid Plans is now available on Amazon! And just before Christmas. I can see you all now, one hand on the turkey baster, the other on your Kindle. I've said this may be the last useful, literary thing I do before Christmas, because next week, if I take breath that doesn't involve wrapping paper, roasted potatoes, scallops, cranberry sauce, Morgan Spice, pine needles, cursing people on Oxford Street and wishing I had two minutes alone to write something, it will indeed be a Christmas miracle. Enjoy!

Best Laid Plans Amazon


  1. You Ms London have made my day!!!!! YEAH!!!!!

  2. No!No!No! I did not like it :(...because I loved ! Loved! Loved it :)...i loved their chemistry and the stuff they dealt with together had a therapy session ...IT is a beautiful book

  3. Ooh Lisan, chile! You just Simon Cowell'ed me! I was about to get all trembly bottom lipped and such but then you... Trembly bottom lip is going anyway. So glad you loved it. Honestly it was so much fun to write! ☺☺☺

  4. Thanks Billy, I get to have Italian Knights Christmas, rereading the first 3 (even though I know them like I know Color Purple ) so I can be totally in the zone...Merry Christmas Billy thanks so much for my Christmas present

  5. Hi Angela, I hope you enjoy it! Merry Christmas!
